Introduction to Human Resources Management


This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and practices of Human Resources Management (HRM). Students will explore topics related to recruitment, employee development, performance management, labor laws, and more, gaining insights into the critical role HRM plays in organizational success.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Understand the importance of Human Resources Management in organizations.
2. Comprehend the key functions and responsibilities of HR professionals.
3. Apply HRM practices for effective recruitment, development, and management of employees.
4. Navigate legal and ethical issues within HRM.
5. Analyze the impact of HR strategies on organizational performance and employee satisfaction.

Course Structure:
Module 1: Introduction to Human Resources Management
Module 2: Recruitment and Employee Development
Module 3: Performance Management and Compensation
Module 4: Employee Relations and Legal Framework
Module 5: Case Studies and Applications

Assessment and Progress:
To reinforce your learning and gauge your progress, there will be case studies at the end of course. These case will not only help you understand the material better but also track your knowledge through practical applications.

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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